Duyuru Arşivi
Medit Student Research Group

7TH MAY 2015

14:00-15:15: Combined guest lectures with Q&A:

Historian and Lecturer Ercüment Asil, "The Dissertation Journey: How to Survive Your PhD."

PhD student Nassef Manabilang Adiong, "Entering the Academic World: Networking, Publishing, and Attending Conferences."

15:15-15:30: Student presentation on helpful books during your personal dissertation journey (by PhD student Jeroen Vlug).

15:30-16:00: Student research presentation with feedback and peer group discussion

16:00- Open: MEDİT Student Board Elections 2015/16

We invite you to participate in creating a rich community of scholars to enliven civilization studies at FSMVU and across the globe.

Listen to a helpful and inspiring lecture series, present your work, and socialize with your peers. Meetings every first Thursday in the MEDİT building library.

Open for MEDİT MA and Ph.D Students

  • https://medit.fsm.edu.tr/resimler/upload/MEDIT-AFIS-012015-05-11-09-24-41am.jpg